I am sure I am not the only mom out there who lives with a heavy wetter. For those who are not familiar with this term, it is used to describe the frequency of pee my son creates on a daily basis. We go through at least 10-12 cloth diaper per day and that is on a good day. Before having my son, I did extensive research on cloth diapers. I, too was a cloth-diapered baby but I know things have changes since the old school extra large safety pinned diapers. I found a website called Cottonbabies.com. I initially started using Flip diapers which are diaper covers and cloth diaper inserts. Then we got the Bum Genuis AIO (All In One) diapers that have a built-in cloth insert. Then I was being adventurous and decided to get more diaper covers called Econonbums. So after one year, my son is still going strong and is a happy cloth\-diapered baby. Unfortunately, I am always in the market for something that actually combined the functionality of the above mentioned. So I went to the most trusted source I could find... Amazon.com
Ode to Amazon:
Oh, how do I love Amazon. The way you provide so may options and selections. The way you give me one click purchasing abilities and options for next day shipping. Most importantly, the way you make me feel before the highly anticipated arrival of my bundle of happiness. Every time the bell rings, it is like Christmas ( or Kwanzaa or Hanukkah)! Let the gates of Amazon. com open and rain down on me!
Back to the matter at hand. I found a new AIO diaper called Mommy's Touch that came today. The price was $12.99 (less expensive than my previous Cottonbabies.com purchases) I ended up buying an Army fatigue print for my son. It comes with not one but two inserts that can detach with snaps. You can fold the diaper down to get even more protection or just close it like a regular diaper. It also has standard Velcro tabs. The only thing that was missing were the washing instructions. Most cloth diapers need to be washed a few times to build of their absorbency potential. With these, I am just going to wash them once and go for it. I have attached pictures for those who are visually stimulated. I will follow up with a review after extensive lab testing (i.e. overnight wear).