Monday, October 3, 2011

Are You A Good Samaritan?

On Saturday, October 1st, I was presented with the opportunity to display my inner  "Good Samaritan." After completing an entrance exam in the Bronx, I walked to the corner of West Fordham Road and Jerome Avenue, and saw a large crowd of pedestrians in the middle of the intersection. I proceeded to investigate and found an African American male in his mid to late twenties lying semi-unconscious. I asked him if he was able to stand. He replied saying he was not able to feel his left leg. I immediately called 911 from my Droid X2 smart phone. The 911 dispatcher sent out the call and within a few minutes EMS, FDNY and NYPD were on the scene. Once EMS disembarked from the ambulance, the man was safely placed on a stretcher and was whisked away.

Since becoming a mother my maternal instincts are heightened more than ever.  I did not hesitate to call 911 to help someone in need. At times New Yorkers get a bad rap and are know for being brass and very cold, however, if someone is in dire need, we band together ASAP. How have you displayed your inner "Good Samaritan" today? If so, share your good deeds.  Positivity  is infections!

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