So what is this sudden obsession with meals on wheels? Why do New Yorkers have a high propensity for taking risks with food trucks but are more hesitant, demanding and even Scrooge-like when it comes to fine dining establishment's standards? I personally am very weary of food trucks for more than one reason. My main concern are the sanitary conditions. To date, New York City DOH (Department of Health) does not have a codified, enforceable sanitary rating system for food trucks and street vendors specifically. Let me remind you, we all are just starting to see the grades of our local favorite eateries this year. My second concern is, where are these food truck workers going to use the bathroom? Everyone knows that there are harmful bacteria in our fecal matter. People are so attached to their phones that they will even use the phone while they are on the toilet! So what do you think happens if you are on your phone while using the bathroom? You do not wash your hands until after the "deed" is done. So the majority of people are walking, chatting and texting away with fecal matter on their phones. What makes food truck servers any different for you and I? My third concern is the proper storage of both meats and fish. Trucks that serve meat and fish products must keep these for at 42 degrees fahrenheit or below, especially if these foods are raw. Meat and vegetables should be prepped in separate area to prevent cross-contamination. If I can uphold these simple cooking standard in my own kitchen, I would expect a food truck who serves thousands of people can to the same. I have posted some pictures of some popular food truck in the Soho area. From the look of things, there are a lot of people who do not share my freakishly obsessive concerns about NYC Food Trucks! Bon Appetit!
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