During our morning walk, I decided to take a stroll into CVS. As usual, I had no intention of really buying anything, just window shopping. To my surprise, I found a super cute toy for my boy. He is a naturally curious baby, a bit too curious at times but this is something I need to encourage. He needs extremely challenging toys that come with many components and parts. I bought him another toy a few weeks ago that is also made by Playskool (Hasbro) but I completely became engulfed in life, work, school etc and forgot to blog about it. So today, I will talk about the Playskoll Explore and Grow Push 'N Pack Gears. I found this toy at CVS for $9.99. When I did a Google search online, I found it priced higher on Amazon.com and Ebay for $19.99 so I think I got a great deal. It comes with a main part that looks like a work and four movable gears. When you actually push the toy, the gears, wheels and eyes of the worm/caterpillar move in a cyclical formation. I disinfected the toy with some warm water and a tablespoon of bleach. I disinfect any new toy and clean my sons toys at least once a week. I usually do this after his bath. That way I can multitask, a skill that all mothers embody after giving birth!