Saturday, August 27, 2011

Irene Who? Are you as oblivious as me?

Seriously, is this the line for 10 items or less?

My Friday started off like any other Freaky Friday, get up, get baby ready for the day and head downtown to work. On this particular Friday, I was dragging my feet the entire morning. I did not leave my house until after 12 noon, which is unusual for me. While walking casually to the train, I noticed the weather was unusually hot and muggy so I spent over $3 on a Coolata from DD. To me, this was well worth the investment for my own confort. The trains downtown were running on time (a rarety, these days) and I was in a particularly good mood. I played Angry Bird Rio the entire trip and arrived in Brooklyn in one piece. I opted out on giving change to the resident homeless dude in the station (do not judge), only because at that time, I had not change. I soon greeted my cousin, made a few phone calls to a realtor ( always looking for a good deal in this economy) and made my way back to Lower Manhattan. Upon arriving at work, I was informed by our social media contact that Irene is steadily approaching and that our office building is one block from Zone A. After our experience with the earthquake tremors earlier this week, I knew this was an ominous sign. After our one hour conversation about the fast approaching storm, I had a panic attack and left work with at list of supplies in hand. I was able to get home before 5 pm, got supplies for the family and even had time to get a wine cooler for my jittery nerves. While shopping at our local grocery, I ran into neighbors and even my dentist. Go Figure. I had snap some shots of the longest queues ever! Before going home, I made sure to take my sister-in-laws advices and got a 6 pack of wine coolers to brace myself for the inevitable. What are you doing to prepare? Please comment and do not forget to purchase some  whiskey, rum or your alcohol of choice and dust off the scrabble board. No X-Box Live, WII or Netfilx if Irene takes out the power! Oh social media, what will we do without you! 

All the "crazies" are out at Key Foods.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Owls Are All The Rave.

So over the past few months, I have noticed the quiet appearance of owls. Owls here, owls there, owls, owls, owls everywhere. Last month during my son's first trip to the Bronx Zoo, we were all amazed on how engaging owls can be. As a result, I have come across some cool owl deals in my local 'hood.

My first official owl purchase was a silver multi-level necklace. I was so excited about my find that I decided to buy the gold version of the necklace as well. While waiting at the check out counter at Payhalf, I noticed the coolest ring ever. Yes, it happened to be a blinged-out owl ring. OMG, what have I gotten myself into? I must try not to over-indulge in owls however, I could not resist.  I am always looking for a deal and here it was. The necklaces were around $6 bucks each and the ring was around $5 bucks. Below is a visual of my owls purchase on a budget.

 One of my co-workers shares my love for owls. Before she left to go work for Zagat, I gave her the silver owl necklace (Payhalf), a owl-themed notebook (RiteAid), an owl ring (Payhalf) and a aquamarine owl print shopping bag (Marshals).  I also gave the gold owl necklace to a BFF. What is the point of finding a good deal if you cannot share with others! Spread the love. "Owl" be on the look-out for more deals to share.

My first blog post...ever!

Welcome future followers and subscribers:

I started this blog  as a creative outlet. If someone happens to stumble across my blog and likes what they see, so be it. If not, it is not the end of the world. I hope friends and family will enjoy my contribution to the world of bloggers. As days go by, I will share my own  trials and tribulations with cyberspace and  possibly learn something in the process. In the interim, I may even include some cool finds, recipes and my own opinion about raising my kid in this Urban Jungle. Students, welcome to class,  I am your esteemed professor, please take a seat and enjoy this semester in my virtual class URBAN LIVING 101. No pre-requisites required!