Monday, October 3, 2011

Sagging Pants FAIL!

While ordering food, a young bummy kid stood ahead of me. I could not help but notice that his pants were ridiculously low. I cannot believe that this trend is still going strong. Why do these young guys submit themselves to such foolery. Half of these kids have no self esteem, the other half are followers and do not know how to stand on their own. Other guilty culprits are the girls who actually talk to these fools. If the girls did not tolerate this trend, it would die quicker than MySpace. I had to take a picture since pictures are worth more than a thousand words.  These guys wonder why they are always being stereotyped and harassed by the cops.... well, do not look like a hoodlum and maybe the cops would leave you alone. Or better yet, do not hang out in front of bodegas and liquor stores all hours of the day and night! Be a mentor for younger kids, do something positive for your community, be a leader and not a follower.  Let's band together and kill this stupid trend!

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