Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Urban Baby Review- Happy Baby Organic Baby Food

Banana, Beet & Blueberry..Oh My! These were my exact words when I picked up my first packet of Happy Baby Organic Baby Food from Target last week. This also happens to be the name of the flavor I picked out for my son! As usual, I was at Target to pick up a comforter, with no success. I ended up wandering aimlessly through the store, picking up some clothes for my growing boy and found myself in the baby food aisle. I am always looking for new ways to introduce food to my son. He is at the age where he is capable of self-feeding but not without creating a huge mess. I am so happy I came across the Happy Baby brand. First, the packaging is conducive for a self-feeder. It comes with a twist top, eco- friendly (BPA Free) packaging and a lot of useful nutritional facts for the parents, of course. Oh, did I mention the creative flavor combinations! Awesome! These are not your typical flavor combos for example: Spinach, Mango & Pear or Potato, Carrot, Apple & Cinnamon.  I decided to chance it and actually give my son the package to feed himself. Needless to say, he was successful actually, a bit too successful. He ended up squeezing the packet of food all over his bib. Waste not, want not is always my motto so the conservative mommy that I am... I proceeded to scoop up baby fodder off his bib and made sure he ate every last bit! Just a fun fact for you super savers out there,  I was also able to search for coupons on Happy Baby also makes other foods for different stages:

Happy Baby Puffs
Happy Baby Kale
Happy Baby Salmon
Happy Baby Organic Yogurt
Happy Baby Baby Formula

As always, Happy Feeding!

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