Monday, October 3, 2011

Teen Girls' Initiative - Mary J. Blidge

While watching public access television, I came across a story highlighting a great initiative for young girls witihin the NYCHA. NYCHA partnered with Mary J. Blidge's organization FFAWN to usher young girls from public housing onto the path of success.
This program was started in 2007 and has been going strong ever since. While living up to the motto, " Education is Empowerment" young girls learn the importance of a good education. In 2011, it is easier than ever to get grants and financial aids for funding an eduction. I truly value my education and would encourage any young woman to do the same. Great organizations like UNCF provide links and information about obtaining money for school and other useful information about getting a higher education. The NYCHA-FFAWN Teen Girls' Initiative, is a six month program for girls 12-15, who live in public housing. I have included some links below. You can LIKE them on Facebook and follow the organization on Twitter. Share the knowledge.

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