Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Sub-Urban Living 101 - Toddlers in School - Please Help

So much can change in over 3 years. A boy becomes a man or in my case, a baby becomes a toddler! What happened to the  late night breast feeding sessions and cloth diaper postings! Oh, what ever happen to the good ol' days. Now my son is school age and attends school. I had a plethora of anxiety well before the first day of school. Earlier this year he had a "not so positive" school experience where he experienced bullying at the age of 3! In my son's case, he stood up for himself and as a result, we made the choice to put him in a more structured program. Now, he is happily adjusting to the strict rules and regulations of school! Have any other parents gone through this same type of anxiety... How the hell do you cope??? 

Sub-Urban Living 101 - My journey to passive income....

Has anyone from the third planet from the sun heard of the term "passive income?" Well, well, well. over the next few blog posts, I will share my journey diving in head first... with no life jacket into the cesspool of PASSIVE INCOME. Over the past few days, I have been talking to my P.I.C. (partner in crime) about the idea. I am have been bombarded with information from underground passive income wealthy people like Pat Flynn (http://www.smartpassiveincome.com/) and listened to a pre-recorded webinar from clickbank.com. I am not promoting either sites but I wanted to share the info so you can come up with your own opinion.  I would like to know what are people's thoughts on the idea.