Saturday, October 22, 2011

Hunter and Gatherer..Rain Boots for Fall 2011

Now, I am not a super huge fan of rain boots. In fact, they remind me of my naive childhood playground days when kids would exchange lunches during recess and pick on the awkward looking kid. So while quietly riding the 2 train southbound, I boldly snapped shots of these Hunter brand boots in the name of blogging. One person wearing the boots was about 6' 3", 180 pounds,AA guy who was in fashion school (saw him toting an eco-friendly Parson's School of Design bag) and a 20-something fashionable White girl with her BFF... Both representing two different retail demographics...within arms length from one another. Don't get me wrong, these boots are kinda cool, especially since I've always wanted to name my kid Hunter! But, I had a sneaky suspicion that the price would not encourage me to buy them. I was not sure of the cost of these boots so of course I searched the internet to confirm my suspicion.

Not to my surprise, these boot run between $100-$125. That amount of money could cover most of my monthly utilities. Now that I put everything into perspective, these boots are staying on the website. If you are less conservative and less fickle than I am, feel free to order these official Hunter Boots and get free shipping at. . Rate these boot!  Can these boots blurr the  color lines and unite different retail demographics as one? Are they worth more than the rain drenched ground you will be treading on? Probably not, but you can be the judge of that!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Urban Baby Review- Happy Baby Organic Baby Food

Banana, Beet & Blueberry..Oh My! These were my exact words when I picked up my first packet of Happy Baby Organic Baby Food from Target last week. This also happens to be the name of the flavor I picked out for my son! As usual, I was at Target to pick up a comforter, with no success. I ended up wandering aimlessly through the store, picking up some clothes for my growing boy and found myself in the baby food aisle. I am always looking for new ways to introduce food to my son. He is at the age where he is capable of self-feeding but not without creating a huge mess. I am so happy I came across the Happy Baby brand. First, the packaging is conducive for a self-feeder. It comes with a twist top, eco- friendly (BPA Free) packaging and a lot of useful nutritional facts for the parents, of course. Oh, did I mention the creative flavor combinations! Awesome! These are not your typical flavor combos for example: Spinach, Mango & Pear or Potato, Carrot, Apple & Cinnamon.  I decided to chance it and actually give my son the package to feed himself. Needless to say, he was successful actually, a bit too successful. He ended up squeezing the packet of food all over his bib. Waste not, want not is always my motto so the conservative mommy that I am... I proceeded to scoop up baby fodder off his bib and made sure he ate every last bit! Just a fun fact for you super savers out there,  I was also able to search for coupons on Happy Baby also makes other foods for different stages:

Happy Baby Puffs
Happy Baby Kale
Happy Baby Salmon
Happy Baby Organic Yogurt
Happy Baby Baby Formula

As always, Happy Feeding!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Pillow Pets...Are Awesome!

I do not typically impulse shop but while I was at Rite Aid, I happen to come across a Pillow Pet. At first, I did not think twice about purchasing it but I them remembered an infomercial about the product. It was at that very moment, I decided to bite the bullet and buy my son a Thomas the Train Pillow Pet. Some hormonal change occurs when you become a mom, you instantly want to buy every cute toy ever created on earth. You no longer want to buy items for yourself, instead, you go on a rampage purchasing unnecessary items for your kids. I am sure before the week is over, I will find some other nifty toy to buy my little pumpkin butt! View the official site to see all of the choices of Pillow Pets available.

Teen Girls' Initiative - Mary J. Blidge

While watching public access television, I came across a story highlighting a great initiative for young girls witihin the NYCHA. NYCHA partnered with Mary J. Blidge's organization FFAWN to usher young girls from public housing onto the path of success.
This program was started in 2007 and has been going strong ever since. While living up to the motto, " Education is Empowerment" young girls learn the importance of a good education. In 2011, it is easier than ever to get grants and financial aids for funding an eduction. I truly value my education and would encourage any young woman to do the same. Great organizations like UNCF provide links and information about obtaining money for school and other useful information about getting a higher education. The NYCHA-FFAWN Teen Girls' Initiative, is a six month program for girls 12-15, who live in public housing. I have included some links below. You can LIKE them on Facebook and follow the organization on Twitter. Share the knowledge.

Sagging Pants FAIL!

While ordering food, a young bummy kid stood ahead of me. I could not help but notice that his pants were ridiculously low. I cannot believe that this trend is still going strong. Why do these young guys submit themselves to such foolery. Half of these kids have no self esteem, the other half are followers and do not know how to stand on their own. Other guilty culprits are the girls who actually talk to these fools. If the girls did not tolerate this trend, it would die quicker than MySpace. I had to take a picture since pictures are worth more than a thousand words.  These guys wonder why they are always being stereotyped and harassed by the cops.... well, do not look like a hoodlum and maybe the cops would leave you alone. Or better yet, do not hang out in front of bodegas and liquor stores all hours of the day and night! Be a mentor for younger kids, do something positive for your community, be a leader and not a follower.  Let's band together and kill this stupid trend!

Manhattan Mini Storage...Ode to Gay Marriage and Twitter!

While aimlessly walking around the city, I came across two incredibly awesome billboards from Manhattan Mini Storage. They are using their billboards to display avant-garde messages. I think both of these advertisements resonate with New Yorkers, especially in a time where there should be equality for all and where social media creeps into every aspect of our lives.  I just recently joined Twitter after debating whether or not I would find it useful. After short consideration, I figured Twitter would be a good resource for me to share my blog. After all, it is 2011...change or die.

Are You A Good Samaritan?

On Saturday, October 1st, I was presented with the opportunity to display my inner  "Good Samaritan." After completing an entrance exam in the Bronx, I walked to the corner of West Fordham Road and Jerome Avenue, and saw a large crowd of pedestrians in the middle of the intersection. I proceeded to investigate and found an African American male in his mid to late twenties lying semi-unconscious. I asked him if he was able to stand. He replied saying he was not able to feel his left leg. I immediately called 911 from my Droid X2 smart phone. The 911 dispatcher sent out the call and within a few minutes EMS, FDNY and NYPD were on the scene. Once EMS disembarked from the ambulance, the man was safely placed on a stretcher and was whisked away.

Since becoming a mother my maternal instincts are heightened more than ever.  I did not hesitate to call 911 to help someone in need. At times New Yorkers get a bad rap and are know for being brass and very cold, however, if someone is in dire need, we band together ASAP. How have you displayed your inner "Good Samaritan" today? If so, share your good deeds.  Positivity  is infections!