Monday, September 19, 2011

FEATHERS...Are A Girl's Best Friend!

I am always gung-ho for new, youthful trends, especially if they are a bit on the kooky side. Staying in touch with your inner Fraggle Rock is key to surviving in this downward economy. With that said, I am all over this Feather trend. I know this hair accessory trend popped up in Hollywood months ago but New Yorker's do not always get on board with everything that Selena Gomez or Mylie Cyrus wears at a Red Carpet Event right away. So, while I was on my way home, I decided to stop at Conway (yes, Conway has hidden gems, don't sleep!). This happen to be the exact day I blogged about the elderly woman who was dragged by an SUV under my Urban Scenes 101 Blog Heading.

Although most chicas I see rocking the feathers in their hair have long locks, this does not limit women with a shorter, cropped coifs to wear these feather-friendly accessories. I happen to have a short hairstyle but I have found ways to rock my feather extension with pride. So far, I wear my feather in my hair but I accompany the look with a knitted beanie. That way, it looks like the feather is a part of my beanie... a must-have added accessory for the Fall season. I even bought a hot pink feather for my 5 year old niece who is a Rock Star! I have included pics of course. Please also look for up and coming blogs about  home-crafted Fall Fashions made by yours truly!

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