Thursday, September 8, 2011

Going Back To School... Don't Buy Your Books...RENT THEM!

Here I am almost 30 years old and I am thinking about going back to school. This time,  I am planning on changing careers. Attending school comes with several financial obstacles: tuition, room and board, food and of course books! During this recession, I have tried to save money any way that I can  in order to fund my educational pursuits. Luckily, my hubby and I are on the same page.

I just recently purchased a Lab manual for $119 for an upcoming science course.  I almost had a fit on the floor of the College book store. I was floored at the prices. Thank god there are other options, recession-proof options! Now days, colleges are empathetic to the burdeon of the cost of school for students. In response to this heavy burden, colleges have found alternate ways to provide books to students. Currently, students are able to do the following: buy new books, buy used books, purchase e-books and even rent books. Thankfully, I was able to rent one of two book needed for my course for only $74. In our quest to save, save, save,  my hubby (my personal guardian Angel, seriously) found a site called OMG, I love this site! I was able to find my Lab book that I previously purchased on Tuesday for $119 online at for only $39! I am able to rent this book and return it before Christmas! Sign- up was easy and there is free shipping for returning books. Please visit the site and follow  on Twitter and "Like" them on Facebook.

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