Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Are These Guys Really NYC's Finest (NYPD Dirty Dancing On Duty)

As you may already know, the West Indian Day Parade on Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn always has some added entertainment besides the scantily dressed women. Aside from a typical (expected) random shoot out or unnecessary arrests of on lookers (with the exception of a black politician who shall remain nameless) this year's events trump all past incidents. This event always has a heavy police presence but who knew officers would also partake in the festivities. One would think in this day in age where smart phones are armed with 5.0 megapixel cameras and better, people would be on their best behavior, especially in the public eye. Apparently the three cops who were patrolling the sidelines of the West Indian Parade did not get the  "Anthony Weiner Inappropriate Behavior" memo. Instead of upholding there motto of  "Courtesy, Professionalism, Respect" these vagrant cops left their moral badges at home on the dresser and decided to put on their "lewd and inappropriate" hats and walk out the door with uniform and gun in hand. If you have not seen this video already, please click on the link below. To be honest, I am speechless. If these cops are not fired, there will be an uproar! Melee! Melee!

1 comment:

  1. Wow this is the first time I've seen that kinda behavior from cops at the parade. Usually when a woman backs that thang up they get beet red and freeze up like a statue. Maybe these are rookies. They should get reprimanded. This video is enough of a punishment for them w/o losing their jobs and will subject them to endless hazing and teasing by their fellow NY Finest. SMH @ the one who pounded the girl from behind.
