Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Urban Baby 101- Playskool Explore and Grow Push 'N Stack Gears

During our morning walk, I decided to take a stroll into CVS. As usual, I had no intention of really buying anything, just window shopping. To my surprise, I found a super cute toy for my boy. He is a naturally curious baby, a bit too curious at times but this is something I need to encourage. He needs extremely challenging toys that come with many components and parts. I bought him another toy a few weeks ago that is also made by Playskool (Hasbro) but I completely became engulfed in life, work, school etc and forgot to blog about it. So today, I will talk about the Playskoll Explore and Grow Push 'N Pack Gears. I found this toy at CVS for $9.99. When I did a Google search online, I found it priced higher on Amazon.com and Ebay for $19.99 so I think I got a great deal. It comes with a main part that looks like a work and four movable gears. When you actually push the toy, the gears, wheels and eyes of the worm/caterpillar move in a cyclical formation. I disinfected the toy with some warm water and a tablespoon of bleach. I disinfect any new toy and clean my sons toys at least once a week. I usually do this after his bath. That way I can multitask, a skill that all mothers embody after giving birth!

NYC Food Truck Frenzy

So what is this sudden obsession with meals on wheels? Why do New Yorkers have a high propensity for taking risks with food trucks but are more hesitant, demanding and even Scrooge-like when it comes to fine dining establishment's standards? I personally am very weary of food trucks for more than one reason. My main concern are the sanitary conditions. To date, New York City DOH (Department of Health) does not have a codified, enforceable sanitary rating system for food trucks and street vendors specifically. Let me remind you, we all are just starting to see the grades of our local favorite eateries this year. My second concern is, where are these food truck workers going to use the bathroom? Everyone knows that there are harmful bacteria in our fecal matter. People are so attached to their phones that they will even use the phone while they are on the toilet! So what do you think happens if you are on your phone while using the bathroom? You do not wash your hands until after the "deed" is done. So the majority of people are walking, chatting and texting away with fecal matter on their phones. What makes food truck servers any different for you and I? My third concern is the proper storage of both meats and fish. Trucks that serve meat and fish products must keep these for at 42 degrees fahrenheit or below, especially if these foods are raw. Meat and vegetables should be prepped in separate area to prevent cross-contamination. If I can uphold these simple cooking standard in my own kitchen, I would expect a food truck who serves thousands of people can to the same. I have posted some pictures of some popular food truck in the Soho area. From the look of things, there are a lot of people who do not share my freakishly obsessive concerns about NYC Food Trucks! Bon Appetit!

OWS-Occupy Wall Street...My thoughts

To be honest, I do not have a vested interest in organized protests going on in the Wall Street area and in other global financial centers. Don't get me wrong, I am all for the right to protest and publicly voiced your disdain for Corporate America. What I do not condone is wasting time going after the guys (guarantee that most these guys fall into the WASP category) who actually make a living hedging their bets, using their broad knowledge of financial markets and make million even billions during a Recession! Issues arise when I visit 90 Broad Street and see Rolls Royce or Bentley parked in the nearby parking garage as if they are as affordable as a Honda Civic. Then I question, how far would these guys go to protect their lifestyle? What illegal activities go down to maintain their high standard of living. How can you go after the same guys whose interests are protected and in line with current government officials in power.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Hunter and Gatherer..Rain Boots for Fall 2011

Now, I am not a super huge fan of rain boots. In fact, they remind me of my naive childhood playground days when kids would exchange lunches during recess and pick on the awkward looking kid. So while quietly riding the 2 train southbound, I boldly snapped shots of these Hunter brand boots in the name of blogging. One person wearing the boots was about 6' 3", 180 pounds,AA guy who was in fashion school (saw him toting an eco-friendly Parson's School of Design bag) and a 20-something fashionable White girl with her BFF... Both representing two different retail demographics...within arms length from one another. Don't get me wrong, these boots are kinda cool, especially since I've always wanted to name my kid Hunter! But, I had a sneaky suspicion that the price would not encourage me to buy them. I was not sure of the cost of these boots so of course I searched the internet to confirm my suspicion.

Not to my surprise, these boot run between $100-$125. That amount of money could cover most of my monthly utilities. Now that I put everything into perspective, these boots are staying on the www.zappo.com website. If you are less conservative and less fickle than I am, feel free to order these official Hunter Boots and get free shipping at. Zappo.com . Rate these boot!  Can these boots blurr the  color lines and unite different retail demographics as one? Are they worth more than the rain drenched ground you will be treading on? Probably not, but you can be the judge of that!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Urban Baby Review- Happy Baby Organic Baby Food

Banana, Beet & Blueberry..Oh My! These were my exact words when I picked up my first packet of Happy Baby Organic Baby Food from Target last week. This also happens to be the name of the flavor I picked out for my son! As usual, I was at Target to pick up a comforter, with no success. I ended up wandering aimlessly through the store, picking up some clothes for my growing boy and found myself in the baby food aisle. I am always looking for new ways to introduce food to my son. He is at the age where he is capable of self-feeding but not without creating a huge mess. I am so happy I came across the Happy Baby brand. First, the packaging is conducive for a self-feeder. It comes with a twist top, eco- friendly (BPA Free) packaging and a lot of useful nutritional facts for the parents, of course. Oh, did I mention the creative flavor combinations! Awesome! These are not your typical flavor combos for example: Spinach, Mango & Pear or Potato, Carrot, Apple & Cinnamon.  I decided to chance it and actually give my son the package to feed himself. Needless to say, he was successful actually, a bit too successful. He ended up squeezing the packet of food all over his bib. Waste not, want not is always my motto so the conservative mommy that I am... I proceeded to scoop up baby fodder off his bib and made sure he ate every last bit! Just a fun fact for you super savers out there,  I was also able to search for coupons on Target.com. Happy Baby also makes other foods for different stages:

Happy Baby Puffs
Happy Baby Kale
Happy Baby Salmon
Happy Baby Organic Yogurt
Happy Baby Baby Formula

As always, Happy Feeding!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Pillow Pets...Are Awesome!

I do not typically impulse shop but while I was at Rite Aid, I happen to come across a Pillow Pet. At first, I did not think twice about purchasing it but I them remembered an infomercial about the product. It was at that very moment, I decided to bite the bullet and buy my son a Thomas the Train Pillow Pet. Some hormonal change occurs when you become a mom, you instantly want to buy every cute toy ever created on earth. You no longer want to buy items for yourself, instead, you go on a rampage purchasing unnecessary items for your kids. I am sure before the week is over, I will find some other nifty toy to buy my little pumpkin butt! View the official site to see all of the choices of Pillow Pets available.

Teen Girls' Initiative - Mary J. Blidge

While watching public access television, I came across a story highlighting a great initiative for young girls witihin the NYCHA. NYCHA partnered with Mary J. Blidge's organization FFAWN to usher young girls from public housing onto the path of success.
This program was started in 2007 and has been going strong ever since. While living up to the motto, " Education is Empowerment" young girls learn the importance of a good education. In 2011, it is easier than ever to get grants and financial aids for funding an eduction. I truly value my education and would encourage any young woman to do the same. Great organizations like UNCF  http://www.uncf.org/ provide links and information about obtaining money for school and other useful information about getting a higher education. The NYCHA-FFAWN Teen Girls' Initiative, is a six month program for girls 12-15, who live in public housing. I have included some links below. You can LIKE them on Facebook and follow the organization on Twitter. Share the knowledge.

Sagging Pants FAIL!

While ordering food, a young bummy kid stood ahead of me. I could not help but notice that his pants were ridiculously low. I cannot believe that this trend is still going strong. Why do these young guys submit themselves to such foolery. Half of these kids have no self esteem, the other half are followers and do not know how to stand on their own. Other guilty culprits are the girls who actually talk to these fools. If the girls did not tolerate this trend, it would die quicker than MySpace. I had to take a picture since pictures are worth more than a thousand words.  These guys wonder why they are always being stereotyped and harassed by the cops.... well, do not look like a hoodlum and maybe the cops would leave you alone. Or better yet, do not hang out in front of bodegas and liquor stores all hours of the day and night! Be a mentor for younger kids, do something positive for your community, be a leader and not a follower.  Let's band together and kill this stupid trend!

Manhattan Mini Storage...Ode to Gay Marriage and Twitter!

While aimlessly walking around the city, I came across two incredibly awesome billboards from Manhattan Mini Storage. They are using their billboards to display avant-garde messages. I think both of these advertisements resonate with New Yorkers, especially in a time where there should be equality for all and where social media creeps into every aspect of our lives.  I just recently joined Twitter after debating whether or not I would find it useful. After short consideration, I figured Twitter would be a good resource for me to share my blog. After all, it is 2011...change or die.

Are You A Good Samaritan?

On Saturday, October 1st, I was presented with the opportunity to display my inner  "Good Samaritan." After completing an entrance exam in the Bronx, I walked to the corner of West Fordham Road and Jerome Avenue, and saw a large crowd of pedestrians in the middle of the intersection. I proceeded to investigate and found an African American male in his mid to late twenties lying semi-unconscious. I asked him if he was able to stand. He replied saying he was not able to feel his left leg. I immediately called 911 from my Droid X2 smart phone. The 911 dispatcher sent out the call and within a few minutes EMS, FDNY and NYPD were on the scene. Once EMS disembarked from the ambulance, the man was safely placed on a stretcher and was whisked away.

Since becoming a mother my maternal instincts are heightened more than ever.  I did not hesitate to call 911 to help someone in need. At times New Yorkers get a bad rap and are know for being brass and very cold, however, if someone is in dire need, we band together ASAP. How have you displayed your inner "Good Samaritan" today? If so, share your good deeds.  Positivity  is infections!

Monday, September 19, 2011

FEATHERS...Are A Girl's Best Friend!

I am always gung-ho for new, youthful trends, especially if they are a bit on the kooky side. Staying in touch with your inner Fraggle Rock is key to surviving in this downward economy. With that said, I am all over this Feather trend. I know this hair accessory trend popped up in Hollywood months ago but New Yorker's do not always get on board with everything that Selena Gomez or Mylie Cyrus wears at a Red Carpet Event right away. So, while I was on my way home, I decided to stop at Conway (yes, Conway has hidden gems, don't sleep!). This happen to be the exact day I blogged about the elderly woman who was dragged by an SUV under my Urban Scenes 101 Blog Heading.

Although most chicas I see rocking the feathers in their hair have long locks, this does not limit women with a shorter, cropped coifs to wear these feather-friendly accessories. I happen to have a short hairstyle but I have found ways to rock my feather extension with pride. So far, I wear my feather in my hair but I accompany the look with a knitted beanie. That way, it looks like the feather is a part of my beanie... a must-have added accessory for the Fall season. I even bought a hot pink feather for my 5 year old niece who is a Rock Star! I have included pics of course. Please also look for up and coming blogs about  home-crafted Fall Fashions made by yours truly!

Urban Baby 101- The World Of Onesies!

As your little one grows, so will your collection of clothes! I have learned to always buy a few sizes bigger. For example, if your little one is 6 months old, buy clothes 9-12 months, especially if he or she is a Tonka Truck! After having my bambino, a maternal switch came on and all of my energy was directed towards my pride and joy. Two years ago I would have bought a new Prada bag or a new pair of Steve Madden boots without any hesitation. Now, all of those impulse buys are no longer with "me" in mind. So while visiting the family this weekend, I took a long awaited trip to the mall. I usually do not have a shoppping POA (Plan of Action) in mind but on this particular day, I knew my son needed two things: some walking shoes and long-sleeve onesies! Thank goodness I was successful in buying him a new pair of shoes (Crocs) which I blogged about earlier today and some cool onesies even during this recession! I ususally do not shop at JC Penny but today was a brand new day. I went toward the toddler section and found a sale. Onesies 1/2 off. So I proceeded to pick out themed onesies. In the end, I was successful and purchased about 8 onesies for $37 after the cashier applied a $10 coupon at the register. (Being polite goes a long way!)This is what I call recession-proof shopping! Please see pics below.

Urban Baby 101-Baby Crocs for my Urban Baby!

Like all new parents, I sit and wonder, when will my son start walking. We encourage him to be independent by placing him in his Cosco Walker and roam about. We also like to have him stand upright (with our assistance) and take a few steps. So far, so good but he does has a few inhibitions. First, he does not understand the hazards and the danger of throwing himself backwards. I must admit, he has fallen a few times (to his dad's dismay) however, with every fall he learns that with determination, you can be successful... not always on the first, second or third try! So while visiting the familia over the weekend, I decided to buy my little man some Crocs in Blue.

I figured I would get him a size or two larger than needed since these babies grow exponentially over a few months. Unfortunately he was not with me when I bought the Crocs so I was not able to see if I purchased a size too big. Come to find out, the Crocs are super big for his baby feet so I will probably go online and buy his current size (2/3). Here is a pic of his very first Crocs. Go Baby, Go Baby!

Crocs Littles™ Mammoth

Urban Baby 101- Cloth Diapers are the way to go!

Now that I am a mom all of 10 months, I think I know everything, at least about my own child. Prior to having my son, I knew I wanted to nurse and use cloth diapers. After having discussing about my intentions, I received a lot of hunched shoulders and blank stares from a few friends who were oblivious to the new innovations with cloth diaper systems. I guess people in my generation have no idea how cool cloth diapers can be, for baby and the environment. I, myself was a cloth diapered baby so, I have a huge appreciation for my mom's and grandma's dedication that kept my rear free and clear of diaper rash. For those new mom who are weary and hesitant about investing in cloth diapers, I have provided a helpful link that has been my bible for cloth diapers. I am proud to say that I have been using cloth diapers for over 9 months strong and intend to do so for future bambinos! http://www.cottonbabies.com/

When you visit this site, there are a few things you should know. First, there are about 4 type of cloth diapers, Indian hemp, Chinese, bleached and unbleached. Unbleached Indian Hemp happen to be my favorite and tend to be the more absorbent. Cloth diapers are accompanied with diaper covers. These covers come in a variation of colors styles and sizes. There are also two type of closures, snap and velro. I have attached pictures of my favorite covers on the website.

To date, I have over 30 diaper covers and over 20 cloth diapers. I even purchased disposables when we are out with the little one. Two more essentials, a wet bag for all those poopy and smelly diapers and a diaper sprayer to clean off poopy diapers in the bathroom. Believe me, both are very affordable and well worth the investment.  I could go on an on about cloth diapers but it is probably best if you visit the site and do your research. Happy hunting and please try out cloth diapers.... they are environmentally safe and good for the planet! Go Green!


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Are These Guys Really NYC's Finest (NYPD Dirty Dancing On Duty)

As you may already know, the West Indian Day Parade on Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn always has some added entertainment besides the scantily dressed women. Aside from a typical (expected) random shoot out or unnecessary arrests of on lookers (with the exception of a black politician who shall remain nameless) this year's events trump all past incidents. This event always has a heavy police presence but who knew officers would also partake in the festivities. One would think in this day in age where smart phones are armed with 5.0 megapixel cameras and better, people would be on their best behavior, especially in the public eye. Apparently the three cops who were patrolling the sidelines of the West Indian Parade did not get the  "Anthony Weiner Inappropriate Behavior" memo. Instead of upholding there motto of  "Courtesy, Professionalism, Respect" these vagrant cops left their moral badges at home on the dresser and decided to put on their "lewd and inappropriate" hats and walk out the door with uniform and gun in hand. If you have not seen this video already, please click on the link below. To be honest, I am speechless. If these cops are not fired, there will be an uproar! Melee! Melee!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Going Back To School... Don't Buy Your Books...RENT THEM!

Here I am almost 30 years old and I am thinking about going back to school. This time,  I am planning on changing careers. Attending school comes with several financial obstacles: tuition, room and board, food and of course books! During this recession, I have tried to save money any way that I can  in order to fund my educational pursuits. Luckily, my hubby and I are on the same page.

I just recently purchased a Lab manual for $119 for an upcoming science course.  I almost had a fit on the floor of the College book store. I was floored at the prices. Thank god there are other options, recession-proof options! Now days, colleges are empathetic to the burdeon of the cost of school for students. In response to this heavy burden, colleges have found alternate ways to provide books to students. Currently, students are able to do the following: buy new books, buy used books, purchase e-books and even rent books. Thankfully, I was able to rent one of two book needed for my course for only $74. In our quest to save, save, save,  my hubby (my personal guardian Angel, seriously) found a site called Chegg.com. OMG, I love this site! I was able to find my Lab book that I previously purchased on Tuesday for $119 online at Chegg.com for only $39! I am able to rent this book and return it before Christmas! Sign- up was easy and there is free shipping for returning books. Please visit the site and follow http://www.chegg.com/  on Twitter and "Like" them on Facebook.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Frugal Eats 101- Garlic Shrimp and Veggies

During the week, I love to make meals for the family. Here is a meal I made in 15 minutes or less. After coming home from a long day of work, who wants to be a slave to the stove?

cooked frozen shrimp (one cup for 2 servings)
minced garlic (1 tablespoon)
butter (1 tablespoon)
olive oil ( 3 dribbles)
cayenne pepper (dash)
Adobo (dash)
grated cheese of choice (1/4 cup)
package of Green Giant Steamers

On medium heat, place olive oil, a dab of butter and minced garlic in the pan. Once butter is melted add a cup of cooked frozen shrimp. Season with cayenne pepper and Adobo. Saute the contents for 4-5 minutes. After shrimp is defrosted and lightly sauteed, place in a glass baking dish. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Place the Green Giant Steamers in the microwave as instructed for 12-14 minutes.  Add grated cheese on top of the shrimp and place in oven 5-10 minutes, or until cheese is melted.

Once the Green Giant Steamer is ready, remove the vegetables, add some grated cheese on top and plate the shrimp. Add a healthy salad to the menu and server with love. I have included some pics for those who are visually stimulated.

Urban Scenes 101- The MTA Making Their Rounds On The BX12 Select Bus

For those New Yorkers who are not familiar with Select Buses, here is some background information. In order to combat long boarding times and mitigate congestion, the MTA introduced a pilot program in 2008 in the Bronx on the  BX12 bus route. Currently, the BX12 bus runs west to east along Fordham Road through Pelham Parkway along a major commuter thruway. Prior to boarding a Select bus, a commuter has to use an automated ticketing machine. You press the start button, insert your metrocard and a receipt prints out. Once the bus arrives, there are no long queues to boards the bus, passengers on the bus exit  through the front and  boarders enter through the two back doors and you're off. http://www.mta.info

There are always opportunist trying to "get over"  on the system. Not everyone pays their fare. The MTA became privy to this and decided to set up random checkpoints all along the BX12 route. Myself, being a law abiding citizen (don't judge!) always has my current receipt handy. Thank goodness this was the case on Tuesday, September 6th! Watch my video of three MTA employees checking receipts outside and on the bus at Jerome Avenue and Fordham Road. Riders Beware! It pays to pay!

Urban Scenes 101-Traffic Cops Are On The Loose...In A Residental Neighborhood Near You.

While wandering through the streets in the Bronx, I came across a lone traffic cop. She was not looking for expired meters or ticketing double parked vehicles, instead she was checking the inspection stickers and registration on all car windows. I know the City of New York is hurting for money but is this the way to go about collecting? I am all for being proactive about trying to collect fines for our deficit however, I do not know how I feel about meter maids perusing side streets of working to middle class neighborhoods looking to fill the city's silver-lined pockets.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Are You A Cheetah? Sally Hansen Salon Effects Nail Strips Review

Every woman walking this earth has a fetish or obsession...currently my obsession has been Sally Hansen's Salon Effects Nail Strips. These nail strips are nothing short of AMAZING! As a mom, my day-to-day consists of, changing poopy diapers, cleaning poopy butts, washing poppy diapers, doing laundry and cleaning dishes. So, as you can see my hands are put through the ringer. The last thing I want to be concerned with is whether or not my freshly painted nails will hold up to my daily routine. I am super excited that I actually tried these nail strips. Prior to my discovery, I would have to repaint my nails once or twice a week just to repair a chip or a smudge. Salon Effects nail strips run between $10-$13 depending on where you purchase them. Feel free to click the link to see all of the available colors and styles on the official Sally Hansen website. http://www.sallyhansen.com/products/nails/nail-color/salon-effects-real-nail-polish-strips So far I have used the following styles:

Kitty Kitty (Cheetah Print- My Favorite!)
Check It Out ( Hounds Tooth Print)
Misbehaved (Fishnet Stocking Print)
Cut It Out (Black & White Floral Print)
Booty Camp (Pink Camo Print)
Frock Star ( Multi-colored Sparkle Print)

Each pack comes with 16 nail strips, a file, a buffer and a cuticle stick. Each strip is indented for one nail however, I've been able to cheat a bit. Once I find the appropriate nail size, I fit the nail to my cuticle, remembering not to remove the entire white backing. I use the cuticle stick or my own nail to fit the strip to to the tip of my nail. This leaves the second half of the unused strip on the white backing. Then I take the cuticle end of the strip and fit it to my nail on the opposite hand. This works well if you have short nails. This is how I get my money's worth! The nails strips last about 10 days or more if you really stretch it. I might do a video just do give everyone a visual on how I apply my nail strips. One more tip, if you end up chipping or wearing down the tip of the nail, take a smaller size strip, put a small portion over the chipped area and smooth it over. This is another way I make my nails last longer.

Just a heads up, CVS is currently having a promotion, buy one get the second half price. So walk, run or sprint to your local drug store and try out these nails strips. Women eat it up, deals like only come once in a girl's lifetime!

Sally Hansen- Kitty Kitty